Lois Jane Ministries

Acts 1:8 says... "“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

“TODAY...we need a revival of Holy living. Why do we have to hang a sign outside of our church that we are Fundamental and Biblical? Because without a sign, no one could identify us! When I passed through a town that a few days before had been torn apart by a tornado, I assure you, I had not to be told a mighty wind had cleaved the place. A fire is self-announcing. A conflagration needs no publicity. When the fire of the Holy Spirit comes (I am positive He is coming), then our “bush” will burn too, and Moses will turn again to that great sight. Even so, come Holy Spirit! Come quickly!” (Leonard Ravenhill)

And that promise of the Holy Spirit and HIS BAPTISM OF ALL WHO RECEIVE HIM THROUGH FAITH WAS...EXCLUSIVE...The scripture says…“You will receive POWER...”…it was EXCITING...All your weaknesses will evaporate in the baptism of fire because “You DID receive POWER...”…it was EXPLICIT...The scripture says the disciples were to receive the Holy Spirit...“Not many days hence”…it was EXPANDING...“This thing...this power from the Holy Spirit was not to be whispered about in a closet...it was to be shouted to the ends of the earth...He said... “...you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”…and it was EXALTING...“In the whole world of created things there is no greater POWER than that of the HOLY SPIRIT!” (Leonard Ravinhill)

We all pray the Lord's prayer... "Our Father who is in Heaven...Hallowed be thy name...Thy Kingdom come..." When we pray “Thy Kingdom come...” what do we (really) mean? We would do well to examine our lives in the light of the Word of God. We would do well to see how we align ourselves with those awesome and absolute words which speak of the cost of discipleship, and the great divide between what rules in man's world and what rules in the Kingdom of God. The nature of the kingdom of God is totally different from the nature of the society around us and it is necessary that we judge not by the 'good intentions' and smiling faces, but by that which is in the heart...the purity...the intensity...the hatred of sin...and falsehood.” (Paul Ravenhill)

This world TODAY needs the Holy Spirit's influence, counsel, and comfort more than at any time before...God wants His kingdom NOW on this earth...He wants us to sing the new sonng sung in Heaven in Revelations now on earth...but we must change the way we live: we must begin denying self by embracing His Holy Spirit, never being afraid to do the smalls things for God, praying more often and I do not mean just praying but really, really praying. Leonard Ravenhill said and I paraphrase...show me a person's prayer life and I will tell you what kind of Christian he really is. Examine your prayer life...ask God to use you...listen to the Spirit's counsel and then go out and talk about the Good News over and over. Let your life display it with every action. Never be ashamed of it. How many days...weeks...months...has it been since you witnessed? Start today and pray this constantly..."Holy Spirit we need you TODAY..."Come Holy Spirit! Come quickly!"

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Comment by Lois Jane Wallace on December 13, 2009 at 8:36pm
This is GOOD stuff, and I agreee completely!
Lois Jane
Comment by Tommy D. Mayo / Admin. 3 on December 11, 2009 at 11:59am
This is so True!!.
I believe before the "Rapture" takes place, there will be a Mighty Moving of the Holy Spirit and it has already started as I can see it and sense it in certain aspects and places, but God has not allowed it to come to full Full CIrcle, Vision and Acknowledgement yet, but HE will do that in His time. What a joyous and Spiritual time that will be, when HE does as this will be something ALL Real Professing Christians have never Experienced before in their Lifetime!!.
You are Loved & Appreciated!!.

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Lois Jane Ministries
P.O. Box 1974
Gallatin, TN 37066





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