Lois Jane Ministries

Women Telling Their Stories


Women Telling Their Stories

Women who are changing the lives of others by sharing their life stories.

Members: 16
Latest Activity: May 18, 2012

A story about Allison Durham Speer's divine appointment with Lois Jane

Dear Lois Jane---
How blessed I am to know where you are and where you will be.......I live alone in an  apartment complex in Largo......When I saw your schedule I called Debbie and told her to mark January 4th as a special day!!!! She is so sweet about getting my wheel chair and me to take to doctors and special events......Soooooo look for us there, God willing. 
This letter may be a bit long and maybe you have already read what I am about to write, but wanted to be sure you are aware of it....
After sending the last FaceBook message I picked up my copy of the July Gaither magazine and saw one of the features was about Allison Durham Speer..This letter will mainly be word for word of that article....
About four years ago (she wrote), I was ready to give it all up.  I told Brian, "Don't book any more concerts, I'm quitting. I'm done."  There was absolutely no desire to keep on doing what we were doing. I had no passion. No zeal. I didn’t even care about the audience anymore.
But one afternoon while walking through a mall in Nashville, Allison saw a woman she recognized. It was a little lady by the name of Lois J. Huddleston, the song evangelist. Years ago when I was just a teenager, she had come to our tiny church in Kentucky and stood up on a stage and sang about Jesus. We sat down on a bench, and I began to talk to her about how I  was just so very weary and tired of it all. She said "I am sensing two things--that you don't have a love for God's people, and you don’t have a love for God's Word."  Lois grabbed my hand and began to pray, whispering very softly in the middle of that mall for over an hour. Finally she said, "I want you to promise me that every day when you get up you will say, "Lord, give me a love for the blood-bought people of God and give me a love for your Word. Let me eat it and breathe it to your glory." Allison's voice breaks as she says, "I made her that promise out of my respect for her. Even though I didn’t feel like it, I did it; and the Lord began to do a work in me. He gave me strength and courage and let me see that those people sitting in those aisles and pews were beloved to Him. And when I began to really see the love God had extended to me and the grace He'd given me, I was renewed, and my heart was refreshed."
There was more to the article, but this is the special part I wanted to make sure you knew......
I love you, my sister in Christ,

Discussion Forum

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People? 1 Reply

Started by Renee Martin. Last reply by Eula Lee Eaton Aug 19, 2009.

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Comment by Lois Jane Wallace on April 9, 2010 at 9:30am
Looks like hubby did a great job Patricia!
Comment by PATRICIA HARRINGTON on April 9, 2010 at 5:17am
I am a sentilmental person..the bird feeder pictured was a gift given to me from my son. I dropped it. the wing broke ! My dear hubby took alot of time gluing it back together. What a great husband..he''s so handy. I LOVE BIRDS !!
Comment by PATRICIA HARRINGTON on April 9, 2010 at 5:12am

Comment by PATRICIA HARRINGTON on April 9, 2010 at 5:09am
It is hard to follow on my computer due to being legally blind i have help..the magnifier and my voice narrator..but oh!..It does take learning!! can you really teach an old dog new tricks ? please bear with me..thanks ! God Bless Each One Of You.
Comment by Tommy D. Mayo / Admin. 3 on November 2, 2009 at 9:33pm
Howdy Ladies,
Obviously, I am not a Woman, but I wanted to Join Your Group and let You know, I am in Full Support of what You are doing ,in sharing Your Comments, Testimonies and what God has done and is doing in Your Lives!.

I personally believe God has called many a Lady into the Ministry from the Time Jesus walked on Earth. The Holy Word of God, is chocked full of Women, who were Called and Anointed to do God's Work and I have never seen in the Word of God over My many Years of being in the Ministry Myself, that God refuses Women to be called into the Ministry!. So Keep it Up Ladies and Work Diligently, Faithfully and continue to be Obedient in what God has Called You to do. Continue to be Bold and take a Stand for the Lord and furthermore Men really Need to Pay More Attention to a Woman's Christian Viewpoints as it may just be Very Helpful to them, in every Aspect as their Thought and Feeling Processes are completely different. Keep sharing Your Testimonies and God's Greatness and He will Return the Blessings back to You...That's His Promise and God NEVER Breaks His Promises!. All of You are Loved & Appreciated by Me and You have My Full Support and Prayers!. Your New Eternal Friend/Brother in Jesus.
Tommy D.
Comment by Joan C Warman on September 25, 2009 at 10:53am
I want to tell my story to bring honor and glory to Jesus. It is only because fo Him that I have the courage to do so.I grew up the middle child of three girls in New Jersey. My father drank and was abusive especially to Mom. My married life became a repeat of my mother's. I married an alcoholic who made the army his career.As a result of how my father and my husband treated me,I developed low self-esteem and I had difficulty expressing my needs or desires to others.A beautiful baby boy was born to us while we lived in Taipei,Taiwan. What should of been a happy time,turned into a humiliating experience when he came to the hospital after drinking.My husband's army coworkers idolized Chuck.I often thought that maybe I was the one causing his behaviour. We traveled to many places and experienced some good times, but I was unhappy. I wasn't the best mother. I was moody, hateful and distant.Chuck's addiction led him to three hospitals for treatment.I began attending meetings for family members,I began praying for God to do something.I had enabled Chuck with his alcohol addiction rather than turn him over to God.I attended several churches but never felt comfortable.Chuck finally retired and we moved to Louisiana.I hated it there.He had a good job but he was fired after drinking and driving the company truck.Donnie started attending a Baptist church and was saved at a youth camp.I began attending and in 1985 I accepted the Lord as my savior.I wanted to be accepted and to feel loved. I was trying to hard to please people instead of God.I couldn't shake the shame and guilt. I entered a treatment program for thirty days, I was better for awhile. People would put a guilt trip on me.I wasn't trusting God. I started not to care so much, and did what I wanted. I went to visit my Mom in Fl. When I returned Chuck hadn't gone to work and there were bottles lined up on the counter, In my guilt, shame and anger I cleaned the mess. I continued to attend church so people would see me as a good person who was dealing with all the hardships Chuck had dumped on me.After visiting my sister in N.J. I arrived in N.O. airport at 11:30pm expecting Chuck to pick me up. He never came. I didn't know what to do.I got a taxi, I was so scared. Chuck wasn't conscious till the next day, he didn't even ask how I got home. I just said the taxi fare was $100. From that day on I was hateful to him.I guess he hated me too.It must have saddened God's heart because he knew what was in my heart. In 2000 my Mom had a stroke. I went immediately,she passed three days later. One week later Chuck calls says you can get a divorce real cheap in Fl. He wanted out, he had someone else. He was already packing and would be gone by the time I got home.In my grief over my Mom I was now facing the end of my marriage.I should of been relieved but I just felt I failed and was sad.It must of been God because I knew it was time to get on with life.I sold the house and moved to a small rental. I graduated with a certificate for CNA with the highest average in the class. I was able to transfer my job to Ocala Fl.I found an apartment, I didn't know how I would move my things. God provides for me my brother-in-law. He came to La.packed a u-haul drove it to Fl. unloaded it into the apartment. what a God send. I quickly found a loving church to attend. I'm not just a member but part of a family who cares about me.God showed me what is possible when I trust him. God was always listening to my prayers but I wasn't listening to Him.I am encouraged by Jer.29:11." For I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope". Rom.8:1There is no comdemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.We can rejoice when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady. I pray this can help someone. It has been long haul for me but all things are possible to them who love God.
Comment by Chasity Boisclair on September 19, 2009 at 8:26pm
I never grew up in a Christian home with my parents, but we live with my wonderful faithful grandmother who kept me in church and literally made me go. When I was younger my dad was never really involved in my life. He was here but was not here in a sense. My mom was both parents to me. When I was seven my brother was born and I always noticed my mom favored and always did more for him, so I grew some hatred to my parents. We never really had good relationships. I also always had a feeling my parents marriage would not last no matter how much I wanted it to. We went through years of fighting, cursing, yelling… not good stuff! I was always by myself, didn’t want to be around them! I went through a stage where I didn’t want to be in church, hung out with the wrong people and did the things everyone else was doing. I soon realized that what I was doing was not going to get me anywhere. I got saved at the age of 6 or 7 but only did it because everyone else was doing it and because I thought it was what I was supposed to do. Well in April 2005 I realized I needed to get my life together, I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, in the parking lot at my church! He changed my life completely!! When I really realized what was happening to my family I wanted to change it, I wanted to fix it and make things right, but that is not possible! The only thing I could do was to give it to the Lord and trust in him! It took a long time for me to do that. I pretty much helped my grandmother raise me and my brother. It is very hard when you are a teenager helping raise your little brother. Well two summers ago (brother age 10, me age 17) my mom left us and moved out. My dad really had to step up and be the parent he needed to be. I can honestly say he has done a good job but it has been very hard for me to accept him dating. I need my parents now at this time in my life as ever before and I don’t have them. The night I found out what was going on with my parents I called one of many of my “mother’s” from church and I told her that I needed the Lord to send me “someone” who I could relate to, talk to about my situation. Well God is sooo GOOD!! He sent me about five to ten young girls who are all having family problems that I can mentor and encourage! When we get together we cry with each other and laugh with each other! I have been able to share my story with them a few times! When teenagers my age go through something like I have been through it is very hard! When transitioning between high school and college you need your parents more than you ever need. I don’t have the relationship with my mom anymore like I wish I had. I have not talked to my mom in a few months and some is my fault because I cant seem to overcome some of the hatred I still have toward her but she never calls me or asks about me. This is something that has been the hardest lately! But I am very thankful she still calls my brother and takes up time with him. He is young and doesn’t understand why all of this is going on and he needs her! I am so thankful the Lord has placed so many women in my life I can call mom, like Lois Jane, who encourages me and wraps their arms around me! Even in the midst of the worse, the Lord blesses in so many ways! I have learned to praise him no matter what trials I go through. My parents have not filed a divorce yet but I dont think they will try to get back together, even though it is hard now, I can fathom how hard it will be when the time comes, I am scared they will fight over my brother and seeing him confused and hurt is very hard for me! I want the best for him! But I am praying now that God will make that process easy for me and my brother! I am 19 and I am a sophomore in college, I have a wonderful job, and I am very involved in a great church! GOD IS SOOO GOOD!! I have learned from my parents mistakes and I want to become so much better!! Thank you Lois Jane for being a great influence in my life and always encouraging me!! I love you!!
Comment by Mary Pope on August 27, 2009 at 11:12am
Dear Lois Jane;

I was raised in a small town in the middle of nowhere in Florida. I am 33 years young and as a little girl I remember you visiting our little Baptist church when you toured in Florida. I loved your music and I was always in awe of you. You touched my heart every time you brought your faith to us. I remember you most visiting when I was around 8 to 10 years old, that would have been in the early/mid 80’s and we were in our “little” building. Life continues and as a youth I didn’t attend church as much as I should have but I never left home or my church family, God was always with me. I never forgot this powerful beautiful petite woman who would for some reason or another bless our church and would sing to me. As a child I loved you, as an adult and mother I never forgot how you touched my soul you were a part of my journey with Christ.
I could never imagine a different church family to love or someplace else to call home. One Sunday morning I was sitting in church when Pastor Ronnie announced to our congregation that Ron Wallace and Lois Jane had been searching for a place to call home and the two of you had chosen to call our church family yours. I was touched, even if I never would have personally gotten the chance to share with you, you were now part of my family and now I understood why you blessed our little church all those years ago you loved us too.
Wednesday night August 26 you and I both went to prayer meeting for some reason God put us there together and you sat down with my sister and I. Pastor Ronnie spoke to us about hearing God, that we half to listen. God was there last night and His presence was strong. I got that chance to share with you how much you touched me as a little girl and even more today. My mother went home to be with Jesus in 2002 she was 54 and she too had cancer. My mother introduced me to you. I know that had it not been for her and her faith I would not be as blessed as I am today. I hugged your neck last night for the first time. And I know now that I can hug your neck anytime that I might need it.

Thank you Lois for coming home to our family and I hope you always feel as welcomed and as loved as you truly are.

Your sister in Christ
Mary Pope
Comment by Emily Hockett on August 14, 2009 at 8:24am
Audrey Hepburn once said, “For beautiful eyes, look for the beauty in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”(British Motion Picture). I recently found this quote in a book I was reading. I like it because it is the way I try to live my life everyday. God made me unique in an obvious way and this quote really says a lot to me about the way I should try to live. God has blessed me tremendously in the fact that I’m here today with no mental handicaps. Some days I wish I could go back and change what happened, somehow rewrite history. I can’t though, no matter how twisted this life can get, God only gave me one life to live. This is my story of how I went from death into new life through Jesus Christ.
At the age of six I was in a horse accident that almost claimed my life. It all started one September day when my mother and I decided to go for a horseback ride on the horses we owned at the time. I was already on my horse and my mom was saddling her horse up. She tried to mount her horse but the saddle slipped because it was too loss, spooking the horse. It ran into the right side of my horse, knocking my horse down on my left side. I appeared to be okay, because I wanted to get back on my horse, however my mom held me down to make sure I was okay. She noticed I was bleeding a little from my right ear.
I was rushed to the emergency room at Williamson Medical Center where they said there was really nothing they could do, I was just bleeding. It was then that I went to sleep and nobody could wake me up. I was rushed to Vanderbilt Medical Center where a CAT scan revealed that a blood vessel had burst in my skull causing pressure on my brain. I had to undergo emergency surgery to repair the blood vessel. After the surgery, everyone hoped that I would wake up and have a normal recovery. However that was not the case.
The doctors tried everything to get me to wake up, including giving me an extensive amount of drugs and pinching my legs and arms everyday to see if I would have some type of response. Nothing worked and hope was running thin. When my accident occurred, my dad mailed a request for prayers letting everyone we knew know what had happened and asking for prayers that I would recover. He asked for everyone to pray for me on a certain date.
After about fourteen day the doctors came to my parent saying that there was nothing more they could do for me, that I would have to make a turn. I would either get better or worse. My dad said I was exactly where I needed to be “in God hands” and Mom said yes and “tomorrow everyone we know is praying for her”. The next day was when the doctors were going to take off my mask. The next afternoon I improved significantly. In only a couple days I was out of intensive care unit. In three days I opened my eyes and was able to move to a regular room.
The Caregivers had discussed with my parents that I would very likely need long term health care since day two. They said that if I did make it I would be more than likely to not recover fully because of the trauma that occurred and for the length of time I had been in a coma. Let’s just say that I like to prove people wrong!
I was in a coma for a total of seventeen days. I was at the Vanderbilt Recovery Hospital for two month. Finally I was able to come home; however, I still went to therapy for two years after I was able to return to school the start of my first grade year. I don’t remember any of this experience, except that which I was told. Listening to this story, it seems a blessing now.
Two years after my accident I was baptized into the Baptist faith. Life has never truly been the same since that day. There have been days that I feel I don’t fit in, but I know that this is where God wants me to be. I’ve been places I never thought I’d seen and seen people I never thought I’d see. God has truly blessed me beyond belief and there’s not a day that goes by that I don’t stop and give thanks for the life He has blessed me with. Life is too short to worry about little things, and it can be taken away at any moment. I should know.
This quote that I chose to write about truly says a lot about my life. God has made me unique and in everyway His. Why should I use His mouth to speak words of hatred…or His eyes to only see the quarks in others? I know technically my lips are my lips, but God made them in ever way His. As far as poise goes, I’m not at all very poised. I fall down, as everyone does and I trip over stuff and bump into things. However, I know that I am never alone. This fact keeps me going to live this life God has blessed me with.

Members (15)


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Lois Jane Ministries
P.O. Box 1974
Gallatin, TN 37066





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