A story about Allison Durham Speer's divine appointment with Lois Jane
Dear Lois Jane---
How blessed I am to know where you are and where you will be.......I live alone in an apartment complex in Largo......When I saw your schedule I called Debbie and told her to mark January 4th as a special day!!!! She is so sweet about getting my wheel chair and me to take to doctors and special events......Soooooo look for us there, God willing. 
This letter may be a bit long and maybe you have already read what I am about to write, but wanted to be sure you are aware of it....
After sending the last FaceBook message I picked up my copy of the July Gaither magazine and saw one of the features was about Allison Durham Speer..This letter will mainly be word for word of that article....
About four years ago (she wrote), I was ready to give it all up. I told Brian, "Don't book any more concerts, I'm quitting. I'm done." There was absolutely no desire to keep on doing what we were doing. I had no passion. No zeal. I didn’t even care about the audience anymore.
But one afternoon while walking through a mall in Nashville, Allison saw a woman she recognized. It was a little lady by the name of Lois J. Huddleston, the song evangelist. Years ago when I was just a teenager, she had come to our tiny church in Kentucky and stood up on a stage and sang about Jesus. We sat down on a bench, and I began to talk to her about how I was just so very weary and tired of it all. She said "I am sensing two things--that you don't have a love for God's people, and you don’t have a love for God's Word." Lois grabbed my hand and began to pray, whispering very softly in the middle of that mall for over an hour. Finally she said, "I want you to promise me that every day when you get up you will say, "Lord, give me a love for the blood-bought people of God and give me a love for your Word. Let me eat it and breathe it to your glory." Allison's voice breaks as she says, "I made her that promise out of my respect for her. Even though I didn’t feel like it, I did it; and the Lord began to do a work in me. He gave me strength and courage and let me see that those people sitting in those aisles and pews were beloved to Him. And when I began to really see the love God had extended to me and the grace He'd given me, I was renewed, and my heart was refreshed."
There was more to the article, but this is the special part I wanted to make sure you knew......
I love you, my sister in Christ,
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